Gaujas iela 5/1, Mārupe

+371 223 888 99


Gaujas iela 5/1, Mārupe

+371 223 888 99,

Gate automation

We are using qualitative automation for sliding, opening and garage gates.

Top view, L-width

Top view, L-width

Top view, L-width

Automatic gate (scheme)

Automatic gate (scheme)

Automatic gate (scheme)

Automatic gate (scheme)

Gate siding is producing great wind resistance.

Caution! More powerful electro motor should be used for gates with 70-100% siding.

NAMEX L<2 MAtduresIntensityElectric triggerOpening TIMERecommended opening / end switchesMaximum aperture
May result in uneven gate performance
PHOBOS BT KIT (KIT)X < 100 mmL < 2 MIeteicama ciet60/24 stundāsL > 2M15 sek.900 / there isX=30mm 1200
PHOBOS N BT (Mini/KIT)X < 100 mmL < 2 MIeteicama ciet60/24 stundāsL > 2M15 sek.900 / there isX=30mm 1200
VIRGO BT KIT (KIT)X < 200 mmL < 1,8 MIeteicama ciet60/24 stundāsL > 1,8M14 sek.1200 / ir1200
PHOBOS N L BT (Mini/KIT)100L < 2,5 ML > 2 M obligāti30/24 stundāsL > 2,5M18-20 sek.1000 / there isx=70mm 1200
IGEA KIT (KIT)X < 310 mmL < 2,5 ML > 2 M obligāti100/24 stundāsL > 2,5M15 sek.1200 / ir1250
OROX < 90 MML<1,8 M, 180KGatdure ciet, atdures vaļā60/24 stundāsL>2M20 sec.900/noX=25mm 1100
LUX BT 24VX < 100 mmL<2M, 300KGatdure ciet,500/ 24 stundāsL>2M17 sec.900 / there isX=30mm 1100
LUX G BT 24VX < 200 mmL<2,5M, 300KGatdure ciet300/ 24 stundāsL>2,5M35 sek.900 / there isX=70mm 1100

(var bez meh. atdurēm)

X < 100 mmL<2,3 M, 300KGL>2,3m atdure ciet500/ 24 stundāsL>2,3M17 sec.900 / noX=50mm 1200
LUX GV-2BX < 200 mmL<3M, 300KGatdure ciet, atdures vaļā500/24 hoursL>2,5M28 sec.900/noX=70mm 1200
LUX GX < 200 mmL<3M, 300KGatdure ciet, atdures vaļā250/ 24 hoursElectric Trigger48 sec.900/nox=70mm 1200
P 4,5 HYDRAULICSX < 200 mmL<4M, 500KGatdure ciet, atdures vaļā500/24 hoursElectric Trigger30 sec.900/nox=90mm 1200
P 7 HYDRAULICSX < 200 mmL<6M, 500KGatdure ciet, atdures vaļā500/24 hoursElectric Trigger45 sec.900/nox=90mm 1200